Log Work as Issue Field

What is it?

The problem you need to solve: Your developers forget to log their time.

How Minyaa solves this problem: Minyaa allows you to prompt your developers to log time when they do a transition in a workflow.

How it works

This feature works by prompting a user to enter a worklog through a custom field.

For example, when you resolve an issue, JIRA already prompts you to enter the resolution type and a comment.

Using this feature, you can also prompt a user to enter a worklog.

Log Work on Transition Custom Field

For example, when you can also add this custom field in the Create Issue screen.

Using this feature, you can also prompt a user to enter a worklog at Issue Creation step.

Configuring the Feature

To configure the worklogger custom field, please follow these steps:

  1. Determine which screen will hold the Worklogger Custom Field.

    It might be:
    • Any screen that you already use,
    • One of the default screen (Resolved Screen, Workflow Screen)
    • A screen you create specifically for this purpose

      For more information on adding a screen to JIRA, please see JIRA: Defining a Screen
  2. Add the Worklogger Custom Field in the selected screen,
  3. If needed, you can add the Worklogger Validator to extend validation.