Starting Log File Step by Step

Since Minyaa comes with specific installation actions and extend the default JIRA Database Model, you will encounter different message in the JIRA log file.

See them detailed below ...

Database Configuration (Part 1)

Why DatabaseUtil raises messages concerning missing table ? ...
___ Database Configuration ______
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "JIRAWORKLOG" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKENTITY" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKSCHEME" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "MYAA_CONSTANTMAPPING" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "TIMESHEETENTITY" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "TIMESHEETSCHEME" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "WORKLOGTYPE" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
When JIRA starts, it check existing table versus its Database Model defines in OFBiz files. These messages are normal since Minyaa adds dynamicaly its Database Model, and JIRA Plugin System is not yet loaded when rthe check occurs. When Minyaa plugin will be activated and iits componebt startable, the Database Model wil be ip to date.

Minyaa Plugin V1

Which are the Minyaa Plugin should be available when JIRA Plugin System starts ?
Minyaa comes with differents plugins listed below.
     Minyaa JIRA Plugin Boot             : jira.plugin.minyaa.boot
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Bootstrap

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin Core             : jira.plugin.minyaa.core
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Core

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin Reports for Time Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.time.reports
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Reports for Time Management

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Issues Spreading Managment : jira.plugin.minyaa.spread
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Issue Spreading

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Projects Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.projects
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Projects Management

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Time Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.time
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Time Management

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Tools        :
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Tools Management

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Workflows Designer : jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows.designer
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Workflows Management

     Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Workflows Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows
          Version                             : 2.4
          Status                              : enabled
          Vendor                              : Pyxis Technologies Software
          Description                         : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Workflows Management

Start of Minyaa Service aborted

Why some Minyaa Service raise an error ?
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [atlassian.jira.service.ARequestAwareService] [AutoTransitionService Service] aborted. Minyaa Plugins are not setupped ...
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [atlassian.jira.service.ARequestAwareService] [Timesheet Service Service] aborted. Minyaa Plugins are not setupped ...
JIRA enables all Service Management, when all plugins are startable. Since the Minyaa has special Setup to perform, its Service do not run if this Setup is not ended.

Database Configuration (Part 2)

Why DatabaseUtil continues to raise messages concerning missing table ?
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.model.DefaultPluginModelManagerDirectory] Start to apply Entity Model change defined in [com.minyaa.model.MinyaaCoreModelManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.core]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "JIRAWORKLOG" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKENTITY" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKSCHEME" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "TIMESHEETENTITY" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "TIMESHEETSCHEME" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "WORKLOGTYPE" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.model.DefaultPluginModelManagerDirectory] No ModelManager for Plugin []
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.model.DefaultPluginModelManagerDirectory] Start to apply Entity Model change defined in [com.minyaa.model.MinyaaTimeModelManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.time]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKENTITY" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKSCHEME" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.model.DefaultPluginModelManagerDirectory] No ModelManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.model.DefaultPluginModelManagerDirectory] No ModelManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.projects]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.model.DefaultPluginModelManagerDirectory] Start to apply Entity Model change defined in [com.minyaa.model.MinyaaSpreadModelManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.spread]
When its Components are startables, Minyaa appends for each Minyaa Plugins, having a DataModelManager registered, the change to the Database Model. After each Plugin , the JIRA DatabaseUtil raises message for each table not yet mapped to an OFbiz entities. After the last Minyaa plugin, no more message is raised.

Minyaa Upgrade Managers

What mean message related Upgrade Managers ?
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManagerDirectory] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaCoreUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.core]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManagerDirectory] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaToolsUpgradeManager] for Plugin []
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManagerDirectory] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaTimeUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.time]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManagerDirectory] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaWorkflowsUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManagerDirectory] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.projects]
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [com.minyaa.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManagerDirectory] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.spread]
Minyaa provides its own Upgrade Manager ... Minyaa checks for each Minyaa PLugin, if there are upgrade task to execute. Upgrade task may have to be runned just after a Minyaa Upgrade ... See Upgrade Release Notes.

Missing or Invalide License Key

What means the meesage about Invalid License Key ?
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 ERROR [minyaa.license.managers.ProductLicenseManager] There is no license certificate installed for Minyaa Workflows Designer for JIRA.
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [minyaa.license.manager.AbstractPluginLicenseManager] Try Auto-Registration with Key file, if present!
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 ERROR [minyaa.license.manager.AbstractPluginLicenseManager] de.schlichtherle.license.LicenseContentException: Invalid licensing subject!
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 ERROR [minyaa.license.service.ProductConsistencyCheckerService$1] ProductConsistencyCheckerService identified an invalid License for Minyaa...
JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-3 ERROR [minyaa.license.checkers.ConsistencyCheckerJob] ConsistencyCheckerJob identified an invalid License for Minyaa...
Minyaa is able to try an auto-registration of the license key ...

When installing Minyaa for the first time, Minyaa Licenses are not yet registered. In such case, it tries to perform an auto-registration with found key files in WEB-INF/lib folder, for each of Minyaa Product.

If no license key file is provided, the message is raised ... You will have to perform the registration from Minyaa License administratio page.