User Pickers

Minyaa provides User Pickers able to simplify the User selection in your JIRA Issues. You are now able not only to filter but also to restrict the selection depending on Group or Role membership.

User Picker by Permissions

The User Picker by Permissions allows to restrict the user selection depending user's permissions in the current project.

User Picker by Groups (Deprecated)

The User Picker by Groups allows to restrict the user selection to a scope of group.

User Picker by Roles (Deprecated)

The User Picker by Roles allows to restrict the user selection to a scope of role for the current project.

How to migrate to these User Pickers

If you need to migrate from an existing User Picker field to one of the above User Pickers, you can perform a migration using the Jelly Tag CustomFieldMigrateTask.

By example ...

<JiraJelly xmlns:minyaa="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.MinyaaTagLib">
 <minyaa:CustomFieldMigrateTask customFieldTypeKey="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:userpicker" newCustomFieldTypeKey="" newCustomFieldSearcherKey=""  />

Common Features

Since Minyaa 3.1, this custom field can be used as Permission Entity for Permission Schemes

Next steps : Mutli User Pickers by Groups and Roles ...