Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version
[MYAA-3] - Edition and Visualisation of Worklog Function based on CustomPermissions are not available
[MYAA-20] - In the worklog portlet, the i18n key is not translated when trying to follow an issue that is already followed
[MYAA-21] - Error when trying to delete a worklog in the fast worklog portlet based on filter
[MYAA-22] - The spinner wont stop when there is an error when trying to follow a new issue.
[MYAA-23] - In the fastworklog portlet, when there is an error, the page closes anyway
[MYAA-24] - in the fastworklog portlet, the WorklogType.required i18n key is not translated
[MYAA-25] - First field doesnt have the focus in the log work page
[MYAA-26] - in the fastworklog portlet, when trying to follow an issue, the form doesnt submit when pressing the "return" key
[MYAA-63] - Entering a new remaining estimate doesnt work when there are more than one fastworklog portlet on screen at the same time.
[MYAA-64] - In the logwork popup, the "new remaining estimate" radio button is not automatically selected when a new estimate is entered in the corresponding textbox.
[MYAA-72] - WorklogType.Required i18n key is not translated in the LogWork page
[MYAA-73] - Typos in the "Worklogger for an issue" custom field
[MYAA-75] - minyaa.jira.issue.workable is not respected in the LogWork page
[MYAA-76] - In the "Add Post-Function" screen, propagate affected & fix versions to subtask i18n keys are not translated
[MYAA-77] - Installation management fails on Windows if Installation Path contains blank characters.
[MYAA-78] - Start work post function does not work
[MYAA-83] - In the project worklog report, a category or a project is required but the error message doesnt explain it.
[MYAA-106] - Eclipse project is not generated correctly through maven because of the resource filtering
[MYAA-116] - License Key can not be stored in Java Preference on Unix System
[MYAA-118] - When restoring a database, the login information is lost, so in order to reinstall minyaa's license, you have to stop the server, remove minyaa, restart, login with the "remember me" box checked, stop, copy minyaa jar's back, and start.
[MYAA-7] - As an administrator, I want to install the minyaa plugins for which I have a license
[MYAA-9] - As a system, I block my features when a trial license has expired
[MYAA-29] - As a user, I want Kaamelot's worklog features
[MYAA-41] - As a user, I want to migrate my existing Kaamelot portlets
[MYAA-62] - As a time user, when i edit an existing worklog, i want it to be validated according to the workflow step in which it was created.
[MYAA-65] - As a user, I need distinct documentation for each Minyaa Modules
[MYAA-89] - As an administrator, I want a way to uninstall Minyaa
[MYAA-4] - All Permissions Key have to be present in all supported language, even if not translated
[MYAA-5] - Verify that all projects are developped with UTF-8 as encoding