VideoCaps |
Associated Tomcat Atlassian Logs |
Files Installation |

2009-08-26 15:21:16 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol init
INFO: Initialisation de Coyote HTTP/1.1 sur http-8080
2009-08-26 15:21:16 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 438 ms
2009-08-26 15:21:16 org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm setContainer
INFO: Set JAAS app name Catalina
2009-08-26 15:21:16 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: DTmarrage du service Catalina
2009-08-26 15:21:16 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.26
2009-08-26 15:21:16 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
INFO: XML validation disabled
2009-08-26 15:21:17,000 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
JIRA starting...
2009-08-26 15:21:17,031 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
___ Environment ___________________
JIRA Build : Enterprise Edition, Version: 3.13.5-#360
JIRA Installation Type : Standalone
Application Server : Apache Tomcat/5.5.26 - Servlet API 2.4
Java Version : 1.6.0_13 - Sun Microsystems Inc.
Current Working Directory : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin
Maximum Allowable Memory : 254MB
Total Memory : 127MB
Free Memory : 122MB
Used Memory : 5MB
Total PermGen Memory : 288MB
Free PermGen Memory : 278MB
Used PermGen Memory : 9MB
JVM Input Arguments : -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\conf\ -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed -Dcatalina.base=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone -Dcatalina.home=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp
___ Java System Properties ______
atlassian.standalone : JIRA
awt.toolkit :
catalina.base : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone
catalina.home : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone
catalina.useNaming : true
common.loader : ${catalina.home}/common/classes,
file.encoding : Cp1252
file.encoding.pkg :
java.awt.graphicsenv : sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
java.awt.printerjob :
java.class.version : 50.0
java.home : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp
java.naming.factory.initial :
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs : org.apache.naming : Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version : 1.6.0_13-b03 : Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version : 1.6
java.util.logging.config.file : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\conf\
java.util.logging.manager : org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
java.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vendor.url :
java.vendor.url.bug :
java.version : 1.6.0_13 : mixed mode : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM : Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.specification.version : 1.0
java.vm.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.version : 11.3-b02
org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER : true
os.arch : x86 : Windows XP
os.version : 5.1
package.access : sun.,
package.definition : sun.,
server.loader : ${catalina.home}/server/classes,
shared.loader : ${catalina.base}/shared/classes,
${catalina.base}/shared/lib/*.jar : 32
sun.boot.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\bin
sun.cpu.endian : little
sun.cpu.isalist : pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
sun.desktop : windows : UnicodeLittle : SUN_STANDARD
sun.jnu.encoding : Cp1252 : HotSpot Client Compiler
sun.os.patch.level : Service Pack 3
tomcat.util.buf.StringCache.byte.enabled : true : CA
user.dir : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin
user.home : C:\Documents and Settings\vthoule
user.language : fr : vthoule
user.timezone : America/New_York
user.variant :
webwork.valueStack.log.exceptions : false
2009-08-26 15:21:17,453 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
Database configuration OK
___ Database Configuration ______
Loading entityengine.xml from : file:/C:/temp/demo/Minyaa-
Entity model data source name : defaultDS
Entity model field type name : hsql
Entity model schema name : PUBLIC
Database Version : HSQL Database Engine - 1.8.0
Database Driver : HSQL Database Engine Driver - 1.8.0
Database URL : jdbc:hsqldb:C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone/database/jiradb
Database JNDI address : java:comp/env/jdbc/JiraDS
2009-08-26 15:21:17,656 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Action" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,656 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ChangeGroup" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,656 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ChangeItem" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,656 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ColumnLayout" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,656 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ColumnLayoutItem" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Component" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ConfigurationContext" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "CustomField" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "CustomFieldOption" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "CustomFieldValue" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "DraftWorkflow" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "EventType" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ExternalEntity" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FavouriteAssociations" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldConfigScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldConfigSchemeIssueType" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,671 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldConfiguration" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldLayout" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldLayoutItem" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldLayoutScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldLayoutSchemeAssociation" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldLayoutSchemeEntity" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldScreen" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldScreenLayoutItem" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldScreenScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldScreenSchemeItem" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,687 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FieldScreenTab" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FileAttachment" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "FilterSubscription" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "GenericConfiguration" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Issue" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "IssueLink" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "IssueLinkType" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "IssueSecurityScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "IssueType" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "IssueTypeScreenScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,703 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "IssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "LinkEntity" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "LinkScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ListenerConfig" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "MailServer" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "NodeAssociation" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Notification" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "NotificationInstance" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "NotificationScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSCurrentStep" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSCurrentStepPrev" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,718 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSGroup" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSHistoryStep" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSHistoryStepPrev" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSMembership" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyData" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyDate" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyDecimal" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyEntry" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,734 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyNumber" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyString" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSPropertyText" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSUser" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OSWorkflowEntry" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "OptionConfiguration" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Permission" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "PermissionScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "PluginVersion" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "PortalPage" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "PortletConfiguration" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,750 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Priority" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,765 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Project" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,765 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ProjectCategory" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,765 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ProjectRole" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,765 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ProjectRoleActor" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,765 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZCalendars" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,765 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZCronTriggers" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZFiredTriggers" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZJobDetails" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZJobListeners" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZSimpleTriggers" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZTriggerListeners" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "QRTZTriggers" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Resolution" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,781 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "SchemeIssueSecurities" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "SchemeIssueSecurityLevels" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "SchemePermissions" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "SearchRequest" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "SequenceValueItem" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "ServiceConfig" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "SharePermissions" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Status" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "TrackbackPing" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,796 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "TrustedApplication" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "UpgradeHistory" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "UserAssociation" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Version" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "VersionControl" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Workflow" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "WorkflowScheme" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "WorkflowSchemeEntity" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "Worklog" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,812 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "WorklogExt" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:17,828 main [core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Entity "WorklogType" has no table in the database
2009-08-26 15:21:21,593 main INFO [jira.plugin.profile.DefaultUserFormatMapper] Mapping type 'profileLink' to module 'jira.user.format:profile-link-user-format'.
2009-08-26 15:21:21,593 main INFO [jira.plugin.profile.DefaultUserFormatMapper] Mapping type 'fullName' to module 'jira.user.format:full-name-user-format'.
2009-08-26 15:21:21,593 main INFO [jira.plugin.profile.DefaultUserFormatMapper] Mapping type 'profileLinkSearcher' to module 'jira.user.format:profile-link-searcher-user-format'.
2009-08-26 15:21:21,593 main INFO [jira.plugin.profile.DefaultUserFormatMapper] Mapping type 'profileLinkExternal' to module 'jira.user.format:profile-link-external-user-format'.
2009-08-26 15:21:21,593 main INFO [jira.plugin.profile.DefaultUserFormatMapper] Mapping type 'profileLinkActionHeader' to module 'jira.user.format:profile-link-action-header-user-format'.
2009-08-26 15:21:21,593 main INFO [jira.plugin.profile.DefaultUserFormatMapper] Mapping type 'fullProfile' to module 'jira.user.format:full-profile-user-format'.
2009-08-26 15:21:22,906 main WARN [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl]
hsqldb is an in-memory database, and susceptible to corruption when abnormally terminated.
DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, please switch to a regular database.
2009-08-26 15:21:22,921 main INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl] Could not find Issue Cache Listener, adding.
2009-08-26 15:21:23,203 main INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl] Could not find Mail Listener, adding.
2009-08-26 15:21:23,250 main INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl] Could not find Mail Queue Service, adding.
2009-08-26 15:21:23,265 main INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl] Input Language has not been set. Setting to 'English'
2009-08-26 15:21:23,296 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
___ Application Properties ________
Edition : Enterprise
Version : 3.13.5
Build # : 360
Installation Type : Standalone
Default Language : frantais (Canada)
External User Management : OFF
CROWD Integration : OFF
___ Database Statistics _________
Issues : 0
Projects : 0
Custom Fields : 0
Workflows : 0
Users : 0
Groups : 0
___ File Paths __________________
Location of atlassian-jira.log : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin\atlassian-jira.log
Index Path :
Attachment Path :
___ Plugins _____________________
FishEye Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.ext.fisheye
Version : 2.2.2
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems
Description : JIRA Fisheye Plugin
JIRA Bamboo Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.plugin.ext.bamboo
Version : 2.3.1
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd
Description : Allows you see builds and telemetry from a remote Bamboo server
Minyaa JIRA Plugin Core : jira.plugin.minyaa.core
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Core
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Issues Spreading Managment : jira.plugin.minyaa.spread
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Issue Spreading
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Projects Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.projects
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Projects Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Time Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.time
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Time Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Tools :
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Tools Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Workflows Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Workflows Management
RPC JIRA Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.ext.rpc
Version : 3.13.1
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd
Description : The standard JIRA RPC services, both SOAP and XML-RPC.
User Format : jira.user.format
Version : 1.0
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Pty Ltd
Description : This plugin renders a user in JIRA.
___ Listeners ___________________
Instance Count : 2
Issue Cache Listener : com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.cache.IssueCacheListener
Mail Listener : com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.mail.MailListener
___ Services ____________________
Instance Count : 2
Mail Queue Service :
Service Delay : 60000ms
MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager : com.atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService
Service Delay : 2592000000ms
LICENSE_MANAGER_FQCN : com.minyaa.license.manager.impl.MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager
___ Trusted Applications ________
Instance Count : 0
___ Java Class Paths ____________
sun.boot.class.path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed\xercesImpl.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\resources.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\rt.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\jsse.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\jce.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\charsets.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\classes
java.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin;
C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;
C:\Program Files\Common Files\DivX Shared\;
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;
C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin
java.endorsed.dirs : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed
java.ext.dirs : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\ext;
java.class.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\lib\tools.jar;
2009-08-26 15:21:23,546 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
JIRA 3.13.5 build: 360 (Enterprise Edition) started. You can now access JIRA through your web browser.
[Filter: profiling] Using parameter [jira_profile]
[Filter: profiling] defaulting to off [autostart=false]
[Filter: profiling] Turning filter off [jira_profile=off]
2009-08-26 15:21:23 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol start
INFO: DTmarrage de Coyote HTTP/1.1 sur http-8080
2009-08-26 15:21:23 org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.StoreLoader load
INFO: Find registry server-registry.xml at classpath resource
2009-08-26 15:21:23 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 7562 ms
2009-08-26 15:25:09,484 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [atlassian.jira.util.FileFactory] Unable to delete directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes\comments
2009-08-26 15:25:09,484 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [atlassian.jira.util.FileFactory] Unable to delete directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes\issues
2009-08-26 15:25:09,484 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [atlassian.jira.util.FileFactory] Unable to delete directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes\plugins
2009-08-26 15:25:09,625 http-8080-Processor24 INFO [jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager] Reindexing all issues
2009-08-26 15:25:09,640 http-8080-Processor24 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/issues does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:25:09,687 http-8080-Processor24 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/comments does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:25:09,765 http-8080-Processor24 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/entities/searchrequest does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:25:09,765 http-8080-Processor24 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/entities/portalpage does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:25:10,203 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.license.managers.ProductLicenseManager] There is no license certificate installed for Minyaa Suite for JIRA.
2009-08-26 15:25:10,203 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [minyaa.license.manager.AbstractPluginLicenseManager] Try Auto-Registration with Key file, if present!
2009-08-26 15:25:10,968 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] ConsistencyChecker is reported due to JIRA Setup ...
2009-08-26 15:25:10,984 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Currently using in-memory database (hsqldb), some reports will not work. Please install jira on another database to get access to the reports.
2009-08-26 15:31:55,359 Thread-4 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConnectionKeeper] Shutting down.
JIRA Setup |
2009-08-26 15:36:22,078 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
JIRA starting...
2009-08-26 15:36:22,109 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
___ Environment ___________________
JIRA Build : Enterprise Edition, Version: 3.13.5-#360
JIRA Installation Type : Standalone
Application Server : Apache Tomcat/5.5.26 - Servlet API 2.4
Java Version : 1.6.0_13 - Sun Microsystems Inc.
Current Working Directory : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin
Maximum Allowable Memory : 254MB
Total Memory : 127MB
Free Memory : 122MB
Used Memory : 5MB
Total PermGen Memory : 288MB
Free PermGen Memory : 278MB
Used PermGen Memory : 9MB
JVM Input Arguments : -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\conf\ -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed -Dcatalina.base=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone -Dcatalina.home=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp
___ Java System Properties ______
atlassian.standalone : JIRA
awt.toolkit :
catalina.base : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone
catalina.home : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone
catalina.useNaming : true
common.loader : ${catalina.home}/common/classes,
file.encoding : Cp1252
file.encoding.pkg :
java.awt.graphicsenv : sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
java.awt.printerjob :
java.class.version : 50.0
java.home : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp
java.naming.factory.initial :
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs : org.apache.naming : Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version : 1.6.0_13-b03 : Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version : 1.6
java.util.logging.config.file : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\conf\
java.util.logging.manager : org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
java.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vendor.url :
java.vendor.url.bug :
java.version : 1.6.0_13 : mixed mode : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM : Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.specification.version : 1.0
java.vm.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.version : 11.3-b02
org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER : true
os.arch : x86 : Windows XP
os.version : 5.1
package.access : sun.,
package.definition : sun.,
server.loader : ${catalina.home}/server/classes,
shared.loader : ${catalina.base}/shared/classes,
${catalina.base}/shared/lib/*.jar : 32
sun.boot.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\bin
sun.cpu.endian : little
sun.cpu.isalist : pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
sun.desktop : windows : UnicodeLittle : SUN_STANDARD
sun.jnu.encoding : Cp1252 : HotSpot Client Compiler
sun.os.patch.level : Service Pack 3
tomcat.util.buf.StringCache.byte.enabled : true : CA
user.dir : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin
user.home : C:\Documents and Settings\vthoule
user.language : fr : vthoule
user.timezone : America/New_York
user.variant :
webwork.valueStack.log.exceptions : false
2009-08-26 15:36:22,718 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
Database configuration OK
___ Database Configuration ______
Loading entityengine.xml from : file:/C:/temp/demo/Minyaa-
Entity model data source name : defaultDS
Entity model field type name : hsql
Entity model schema name : PUBLIC
Database Version : HSQL Database Engine - 1.8.0
Database Driver : HSQL Database Engine Driver - 1.8.0
Database URL : jdbc:hsqldb:C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone/database/jiradb
Database JNDI address : java:comp/env/jdbc/JiraDS
2009-08-26 15:36:28,015 main WARN [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl]
hsqldb is an in-memory database, and susceptible to corruption when abnormally terminated.
DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, please switch to a regular database.
2009-08-26 15:36:28,093 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
___ Application Properties ________
Edition : Enterprise
Version : 3.13.5
Build # : 360
Installation Type : Standalone
Default Language : français (Canada)
External User Management : OFF
CROWD Integration : OFF
___ Database Statistics _________
Issues : 0
Projects : 0
Custom Fields : 0
Workflows : 0
Users : 0
Groups : 0
___ File Paths __________________
Location of atlassian-jira.log : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin\atlassian-jira.log
Index Path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes
Attachment Path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\attachments
___ Plugins _____________________
FishEye Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.ext.fisheye
Version : 2.2.2
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems
Description : JIRA Fisheye Plugin
JIRA Bamboo Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.plugin.ext.bamboo
Version : 2.3.1
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd
Description : Allows you see builds and telemetry from a remote Bamboo server
Minyaa JIRA Plugin Core : jira.plugin.minyaa.core
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Core
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Issues Spreading Managment : jira.plugin.minyaa.spread
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Issue Spreading
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Projects Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.projects
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Projects Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Time Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.time
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Time Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Tools :
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Tools Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Workflows Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Workflows Management
RPC JIRA Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.ext.rpc
Version : 3.13.1
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd
Description : The standard JIRA RPC services, both SOAP and XML-RPC.
User Format : jira.user.format
Version : 1.0
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Pty Ltd
Description : This plugin renders a user in JIRA.
___ Listeners ___________________
Instance Count : 3
Issue Cache Listener : com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.cache.IssueCacheListener
Mail Listener : com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.mail.MailListener
Issue Index Listener :
___ Services ____________________
Instance Count : 2
Mail Queue Service :
Service Delay : 60000ms
MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager : com.atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService
Service Delay : 2592000000ms
LICENSE_MANAGER_FQCN : com.minyaa.license.manager.impl.MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager
___ Trusted Applications ________
Instance Count : 0
___ Java Class Paths ____________
sun.boot.class.path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed\xercesImpl.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\resources.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\rt.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\jsse.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\jce.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\charsets.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\classes
java.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin;
C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;
C:\Program Files\Common Files\DivX Shared\;
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;
C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin
java.endorsed.dirs : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed
java.ext.dirs : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\ext;
java.class.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\lib\tools.jar;
2009-08-26 15:36:28,328 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
JIRA 3.13.5 build: 360 (Enterprise Edition) started. You can now access JIRA through your web browser.
2009-08-26 15:36:49,093 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddColHeader: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:49,093 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddCellDurationColor: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:49,093 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddRowHeaders: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:49,093 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddChildGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:49,093 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddChildGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:49,109 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:53,437 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [atlassian.jira.util.FileFactory] Unable to delete directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes\plugins
2009-08-26 15:36:53,671 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager] Reindexing all issues
2009-08-26 15:36:53,671 http-8080-Processor25 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/issues does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:36:53,718 http-8080-Processor25 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/comments does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:36:54,328 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 ERROR [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] ConsistencyChecker is reported due to JIRA Setup ...
2009-08-26 15:36:54,375 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-0 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Currently using in-memory database (hsqldb), some reports will not work. Please install jira on another database to get access to the reports.
2009-08-26 15:36:54,406 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddColHeader: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:54,406 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddCellDurationColor: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:54,406 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddRowHeaders: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:54,406 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddChildGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:54,406 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddChildGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:36:54,406 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:37:06,343 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Update database for JIRA 1.2
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Update database for JIRA 1.2' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade to build number: 1.2
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade to build number: 1.2' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 1.2
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade to build number: 10
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade to build number: 10' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 10
2009-08-26 15:37:06,359 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade to build number: 11
2009-08-26 15:37:06,375 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade to build number: 11' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,375 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 11
2009-08-26 15:37:06,375 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade to build number: 27
2009-08-26 15:37:06,375 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade to build number: 27' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,375 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 27
2009-08-26 15:37:06,375 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade to build number: 35
2009-08-26 15:37:06,390 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade to build number: 35' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,390 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 35
2009-08-26 15:37:06,390 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Create permission schemes and migrate data
2009-08-26 15:37:06,406 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Create permission schemes and migrate data' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,406 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 47
2009-08-26 15:37:06,406 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Creates timeoriginalestimate field in Issue table. Add default hoursPerDay and daysPerWeek properties
2009-08-26 15:37:06,406 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Creates timeoriginalestimate field in Issue table. Add default hoursPerDay and daysPerWeek properties' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,406 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 48
2009-08-26 15:37:06,421 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Inserts a default dashboard configuration into the database if it doesn't already exist.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,421 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Inserts a default dashboard configuration into the database if it doesn't already exist.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,421 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 51
2009-08-26 15:37:06,437 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Reindexing all data in JIRA to include Issue Level Security values.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,437 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build52] Re-indexing is 100% complete. Current index:
2009-08-26 15:37:06,437 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager] Reindexing all issues
2009-08-26 15:37:06,468 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Reindexing all data in JIRA to include Issue Level Security values.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,468 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 52
2009-08-26 15:37:06,468 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Rename unassigned to open, move assigned issues to open and remove assigned status
2009-08-26 15:37:06,468 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build56] Re-indexing is 100% complete. Current index:
2009-08-26 15:37:06,468 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager] Reindexing all issues
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Rename unassigned to open, move assigned issues to open and remove assigned status' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 56
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Adding colors to Priorities so the status bar appearence can be configured. Adding View Control Permission to 'jira-developers' group.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build60] Added 'View Version Control' permission to the 'jira-developers' group for the 'Default Permission Scheme'.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Adding colors to Priorities so the status bar appearence can be configured. Adding View Control Permission to 'jira-developers' group.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 60
2009-08-26 15:37:06,500 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Create default screens.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,562 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Create default screens.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,562 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 83
2009-08-26 15:37:06,562 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Create default issue type schemes for the current issue types
2009-08-26 15:37:06,593 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build101] Default scheme created 'Default Issue Type Scheme' (id: 10000) and config id 10000
2009-08-26 15:37:06,718 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Create default issue type schemes for the current issue types' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,718 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 101
2009-08-26 15:37:06,718 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Sets a default resolution if there isn't already one
2009-08-26 15:37:06,734 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Sets a default resolution if there isn't already one' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,734 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 102
2009-08-26 15:37:06,734 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Grant the global 'Bulk Change' permission to all groups that have the global 'JIRA Users' permission.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,750 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Grant the global 'Bulk Change' permission to all groups that have the global 'JIRA Users' permission.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,750 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 130
2009-08-26 15:37:06,750 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Update Assign Issue Screen to something more apropriate - Workflow Screen
2009-08-26 15:37:06,750 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Update Assign Issue Screen to something more apropriate - Workflow Screen' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,750 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 132
2009-08-26 15:37:06,750 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Initialise the JIRA Event Type table with system event types and update the workflows and Notification and NotificationInstance tables with Event Type Ids.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build150] No records in 'NotificationInstance' table to update.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Initialise the JIRA Event Type table with system event types and update the workflows and Notification and NotificationInstance tables with Event Type Ids.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 150
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Make minor workflow format changes to saved workflows
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Make minor workflow format changes to saved workflows' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 151
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Set application property for visibility level of announcement banner
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Set application property for visibility level of announcement banner' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,859 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 152
2009-08-26 15:37:06,875 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Adds the default project roles and populates their members.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,890 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Adds the default project roles and populates their members.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,890 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 175
2009-08-26 15:37:06,890 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade the default permission scheme to contain references to roles instead of groups, only if there are no projects currently within JIRA (i.e. we have just setup a new instance of JIRA)
2009-08-26 15:37:06,921 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade the default permission scheme to contain references to roles instead of groups, only if there are no projects currently within JIRA (i.e. we have just setup a new instance of JIRA)' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,921 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 176
2009-08-26 15:37:06,937 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Creates the notification event for the Issue Comment Edited event
2009-08-26 15:37:06,937 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Creates the notification event for the Issue Comment Edited event' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,937 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 205
2009-08-26 15:37:06,937 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: This task updates all notification schemes with edit comment event notification to be the same as the issue commented notification.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,937 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] About to add edit comment notifications to all notification schemes...
2009-08-26 15:37:06,937 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] About to add edit comment notifications to all notification schemes...
2009-08-26 15:37:06,953 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] Done adding edit comment notifications to all notification schemes.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,953 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] Done adding edit comment notifications to all notification schemes.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,953 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'This task updates all notification schemes with edit comment event notification to be the same as the issue commented notification.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,953 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 207
2009-08-26 15:37:06,953 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Creates the EventTypes for the ISSUE_WORKLOG_UPDATED and ISSUE_WORKLOG_DELETED events.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,953 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Creates the EventTypes for the ISSUE_WORKLOG_UPDATED and ISSUE_WORKLOG_DELETED events.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 257
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: This task updates all notification schemes with update worklog event and delete worklog event notification to be the same as the issue worked notification.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build258] About to add update worklog notifications to notification schemes containing the issue worked notification...
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] About to add edit comment notifications to all notification schemes...
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] Done adding edit comment notifications to all notification schemes.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build258] Done adding update worklog notifications to notification schemes containing the issue worked notification.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build258] About to add delete worklog notifications to notification schemes containing the issue worked notification...
2009-08-26 15:37:06,968 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] About to add edit comment notifications to all notification schemes...
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build207] Done adding edit comment notifications to all notification schemes.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build258] Done adding delete worklog notifications to notification schemes containing the issue worked notification.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'This task updates all notification schemes with update worklog event and delete worklog event notification to be the same as the issue worked notification.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 258
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Populates the JIRA System Administrator global permission with all groups associated with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build296] Creating a JIRA System Administrators permission entry for group 'jira-administrators'.
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Populates the JIRA System Administrator global permission with all groups associated with the JIRA Administrators global permission.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:06,984 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 296
2009-08-26 15:37:07,000 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Set application property 'webwork.multipart.maxSize' to default value if not set or invalid value
2009-08-26 15:37:07,000 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Set application property 'webwork.multipart.maxSize' to default value if not set or invalid value' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:07,000 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 317
2009-08-26 15:37:07,000 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Initialise favourite dashboards - make each dashboard a favourite of its owner.
2009-08-26 15:37:07,125 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Initialise favourite dashboards - make each dashboard a favourite of its owner.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:07,140 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 325
2009-08-26 15:37:07,140 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Performing Upgrade Task: Reindexing all data in JIRA to include Favourites.
2009-08-26 15:37:07,156 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.util.index.IndexLifecycleManager$Composite] Reindex All starting...
2009-08-26 15:37:07,156 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build326] Re-indexing is 0% complete. Current index: Issue
2009-08-26 15:37:07,156 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager] Reindexing all issues
2009-08-26 15:37:07,187 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.util.index.IndexLifecycleManager$Composite] Reindex took: 16ms. Indexer: DefaultIndexManager: paths: [C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/issues, C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/comments]
2009-08-26 15:37:07,187 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build326] Re-indexing is 0% complete. Current index: SearchRequest
2009-08-26 15:37:07,218 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build326] Re-indexing is 0% complete. Current index: PortalPage
2009-08-26 15:37:07,234 http-8080-Processor25 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/entities/portalpage does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:37:07,250 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build326] Re-indexing is 100% complete. Current index: PortalPage
2009-08-26 15:37:07,250 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.util.index.IndexLifecycleManager$Composite] Reindex took: 48ms. Indexer: SharedEntityIndexManager: paths: [C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/entities/portalpage]
2009-08-26 15:37:07,250 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.upgrade.tasks.UpgradeTask_Build326] Re-indexing is 100% complete. Current index:
2009-08-26 15:37:07,250 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [jira.util.index.IndexLifecycleManager$Composite] Reindex All complete. Total time: 64ms.
2009-08-26 15:37:07,265 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade Task: 'Reindexing all data in JIRA to include Favourites.' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:37:07,265 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number on to 326
2009-08-26 15:37:07,265 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Upgrade completed without error.
2009-08-26 15:37:07,265 http-8080-Processor25 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl] Setting current build number to: 360
Minyaa Upgrades |

2009-08-26 15:50:17,625 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
JIRA starting...
2009-08-26 15:50:17,656 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
___ Environment ___________________
JIRA Build : Enterprise Edition, Version: 3.13.5-#360
JIRA Installation Type : Standalone
Application Server : Apache Tomcat/5.5.26 - Servlet API 2.4
Java Version : 1.6.0_13 - Sun Microsystems Inc.
Current Working Directory : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin
Maximum Allowable Memory : 254MB
Total Memory : 127MB
Free Memory : 122MB
Used Memory : 5MB
Total PermGen Memory : 288MB
Free PermGen Memory : 278MB
Used PermGen Memory : 9MB
JVM Input Arguments : -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\conf\ -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed -Dcatalina.base=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone -Dcatalina.home=C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp
___ Java System Properties ______
atlassian.standalone : JIRA
awt.toolkit :
catalina.base : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone
catalina.home : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone
catalina.useNaming : true
common.loader : ${catalina.home}/common/classes,
file.encoding : Cp1252
file.encoding.pkg :
java.awt.graphicsenv : sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
java.awt.printerjob :
java.class.version : 50.0
java.home : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\temp
java.naming.factory.initial :
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs : org.apache.naming : Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version : 1.6.0_13-b03 : Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version : 1.6
java.util.logging.config.file : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\conf\
java.util.logging.manager : org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
java.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vendor.url :
java.vendor.url.bug :
java.version : 1.6.0_13 : mixed mode : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM : Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.specification.version : 1.0
java.vm.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.version : 11.3-b02
org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER : true
os.arch : x86 : Windows XP
os.version : 5.1
package.access : sun.,
package.definition : sun.,
server.loader : ${catalina.home}/server/classes,
shared.loader : ${catalina.base}/shared/classes,
${catalina.base}/shared/lib/*.jar : 32
sun.boot.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\bin
sun.cpu.endian : little
sun.cpu.isalist : pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
sun.desktop : windows : UnicodeLittle : SUN_STANDARD
sun.jnu.encoding : Cp1252 : HotSpot Client Compiler
sun.os.patch.level : Service Pack 3
tomcat.util.buf.StringCache.byte.enabled : true : CA
user.dir : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin
user.home : C:\Documents and Settings\vthoule
user.language : fr : vthoule
user.timezone : America/New_York
user.variant :
webwork.valueStack.log.exceptions : false
2009-08-26 15:50:18,390 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
Database configuration OK
___ Database Configuration ______
Loading entityengine.xml from : file:/C:/temp/demo/Minyaa-
Entity model data source name : defaultDS
Entity model field type name : hsql
Entity model schema name : PUBLIC
Database Version : HSQL Database Engine - 1.8.0
Database Driver : HSQL Database Engine Driver - 1.8.0
Database URL : jdbc:hsqldb:C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone/database/jiradb
Database JNDI address : java:comp/env/jdbc/JiraDS
2009-08-26 15:50:24,468 main WARN [atlassian.jira.upgrade.ConsistencyCheckImpl]
hsqldb is an in-memory database, and susceptible to corruption when abnormally terminated.
DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, please switch to a regular database.
2009-08-26 15:50:24,562 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
___ Application Properties ________
Edition : Enterprise
Version : 3.13.5
Build # : 360
Installation Type : Standalone
Default Language : français (Canada)
External User Management : OFF
CROWD Integration : OFF
___ Database Statistics _________
Issues : 0
Projects : 0
Custom Fields : 0
Workflows : 0
Users : 1
Groups : 3
___ File Paths __________________
Location of atlassian-jira.log : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\bin\atlassian-jira.log
Index Path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes
Attachment Path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\attachments
___ Plugins _____________________
FishEye Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.ext.fisheye
Version : 2.2.2
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems
Description : JIRA Fisheye Plugin
JIRA Bamboo Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.plugin.ext.bamboo
Version : 2.3.1
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd
Description : Allows you see builds and telemetry from a remote Bamboo server
Minyaa JIRA Plugin Core : jira.plugin.minyaa.core
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Core
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Issues Spreading Managment : jira.plugin.minyaa.spread
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Issue Spreading
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Projects Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.projects
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Projects Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Time Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.time
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Time Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Tools :
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Tools Management
Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Workflows Management : jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows
Version :
Status : enabled
Vendor : Pyxis Technologies Software
Description : Atlassian JIRA Pyxis Plugin - Minyaa Workflows Management
RPC JIRA Plugin : com.atlassian.jira.ext.rpc
Version : 3.13.1
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd
Description : The standard JIRA RPC services, both SOAP and XML-RPC.
User Format : jira.user.format
Version : 1.0
Status : enabled
Vendor : Atlassian Pty Ltd
Description : This plugin renders a user in JIRA.
___ Listeners ___________________
Instance Count : 3
Issue Cache Listener : com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.cache.IssueCacheListener
Mail Listener : com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.mail.MailListener
Issue Index Listener :
___ Services ____________________
Instance Count : 2
Mail Queue Service :
Service Delay : 60000ms
MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager : com.atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService
Service Delay : 2592000000ms
LICENSE_MANAGER_FQCN : com.minyaa.license.manager.impl.MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager
___ Trusted Applications ________
Instance Count : 0
___ Java Class Paths ____________
sun.boot.class.path : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed\xercesImpl.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\resources.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\rt.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\jsse.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\jce.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\charsets.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\classes
java.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin;
C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;
C:\Program Files\Common Files\DivX Shared\;
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;
C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin
java.endorsed.dirs : C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.5-standalone\common\endorsed
java.ext.dirs : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre\lib\ext;
java.class.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\lib\tools.jar;
2009-08-26 15:50:24,875 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
JIRA 3.13.5 build: 360 (Enterprise Edition) started. You can now access JIRA through your web browser.
2009-08-26 15:50:25,328 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaCoreUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.core]
2009-08-26 15:50:25,328 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Detected that an upgrade is needed; existing data at build 0
2009-08-26 15:50:25,328 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Doing Upgrade...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,328 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrades Kaamelot's Portlets to Minyaa's Portlets
2009-08-26 15:50:25,328 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [INTRODUCTION] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,515 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [PROJECTS] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,515 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [SAVEDFILTERS] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,515 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [ASSIGNEDTOME] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,515 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [INPROGRESS] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,515 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [USERISSUES] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,531 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_001] Portlet [ADMIN] has no known mapping ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,531 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrades Kaamelot's Portlets to Minyaa's Portlets' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:50:25,531 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to 1
2009-08-26 15:50:25,546 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Analyses all Workflows to identify required changes ...
2009-08-26 15:50:25,546 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Analyses all Workflows to identify required changes ...' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:50:25,546 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to 2
2009-08-26 15:50:25,562 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Migrates Kaamelot's CustomFields to Minyaa's CustomFields
2009-08-26 15:50:25,578 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Migrates Kaamelot's CustomFields to Minyaa's CustomFields' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:50:25,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to 3
2009-08-26 15:50:25,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrades Kaamelot Roll Over Backup Service
2009-08-26 15:50:25,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrades Kaamelot Roll Over Backup Service' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:50:25,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to 4
2009-08-26 15:50:25,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade succeeded! Setting data build number to 4
2009-08-26 15:50:25,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.util.LuceneUtils] Directory C:\temp\demo\Minyaa-\files\indexes/entities/searchrequest does not exist - perhaps it was deleted? Creating..
2009-08-26 15:50:26,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin []
2009-08-26 15:50:26,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaTimeUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.time]
2009-08-26 15:50:26,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Detected that an upgrade is needed; existing data at build 0
2009-08-26 15:50:26,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Doing Upgrade...
2009-08-26 15:50:26,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrades Relation between Worker/Issue
2009-08-26 15:50:26,593 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaTimeUpgradeTask_001] Updating Issue/Worker Relations
2009-08-26 15:50:26,609 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaTimeUpgradeTask_001] Starting to update Issue/Worker Relations for [admin]
2009-08-26 15:50:26,609 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrades Relation between Worker/Issue' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:50:26,609 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to 1
2009-08-26 15:50:26,609 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Migrates Worker CustomField to CurrentWorker CustomField
2009-08-26 15:50:26,625 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Migrates Worker CustomField to CurrentWorker CustomField' succeeded
2009-08-26 15:50:26,625 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to 2
2009-08-26 15:50:26,625 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 INFO [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade succeeded! Setting data build number to 2
2009-08-26 15:50:26,937 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows]
2009-08-26 15:50:26,937 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.projects]
2009-08-26 15:50:26,937 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.spread]
2009-08-26 15:50:26,953 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Currently using in-memory database (hsqldb), some reports will not work. Please install jira on another database to get access to the reports.
2009-08-26 15:50:33,437 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddColHeader: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:50:33,453 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddCellDurationColor: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:50:33,453 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddRowHeaders: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:50:33,453 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddChildGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:50:33,453 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddChildGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
2009-08-26 15:50:33,453 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] VM #AddGroupData: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
2009-08-26 15:50:42,484 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,484 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,484 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,500 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,500 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,500 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,500 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,500 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:50:42,500 http-8080-Processor24 ERROR [velocity] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. secure/admin/plugins/settings/ViewPluginsSettings.vm [line 2, column 8]
2009-08-26 15:51:24,984 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaCoreUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.core]
2009-08-26 15:51:24,984 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin []
2009-08-26 15:51:24,984 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaTimeUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.time]
2009-08-26 15:51:25,000 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.workflows]
2009-08-26 15:51:25,000 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.projects]
2009-08-26 15:51:25,000 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.spread]
2009-08-26 15:51:25,000 JiraQuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Currently using in-memory database (hsqldb), some reports will not work. Please install jira on another database to get access to the reports.