Minyaa's Installation with Import of XML Backup with Kaamelot or Minyaa Data

What is it?

It is the procedure to follow when you have to migrate a JIRA Instance with Kaamelot to a JIRA Instance with Minyaa

The procedure is also applicable to import a XML Backup with Minyaa Data to a new JIRA Instance

Here, we present an installation of Minyaa 1.3.2 for JIRA 4.0.

Since the Kaamelot installation was done by manually replacing JSPs and Properties, a new JIRA installation will have to be done.

As Atlassian recommends performing a XML Backup for any Upgrade operation, two variants of Minyaa installation procedure are available :

  1. Using the same Database.
  2. Using a new Database.
You will have to choose one of these two variants based on your server and database settings.

Using the Same Database

Perform a Backup of your previous JIRA installation ... It will be a Backup, just in case ...
Perform a fresh installation of JIRA using the appropriate deployment method.

In both cases, you will have to configure JIRA to use your previous Database
During the 1st Start, if you migrate to a higher release of JIRA, JIRA will perform the following tasks :
  1. Database upgrade (Modifications in Database model),
  2. Application upgrade (JIRA Upgrade Tasks are executed).
Do not be worried by warnings linked Kaamelot tables that appear in your Log file ...
[core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "JIRAWORKLOG" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
[core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKENTITY" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
[core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "LINKSCHEME" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
[core.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil] Table named "WORKLOGTYPE" exists in the database but has no corresponding entity
As soon as JIRA is started, Minyaa will start its installation ...
  1. License auto-registration (using license key file copied in WEB-INF/lib folder) ...
    com.minyaa.license.manager.impl.MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager [minyaa.license.managers.ProductLicenseManager] There is no license certificate installed for Minyaa Suite for JIRA.
    com.minyaa.license.manager.impl.MinyaaSuiteLicenseManager [minyaa.license.manager.AbstractPluginLicenseManager] Try Auto-Registration with Key file, if present!					
  2. A specific installation will be done for each Minyaa plugins : OFBiz configuration, added or modified file (JSP , Velocity or Properties)
  3. Each Upgrade Manager of Minyaa plugins will be launched ...

    Each Upgrade Manager will produce logs for each of its Upgrade Tasks

    [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaXXXXUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.xxxx]
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Detected that an upgrade is needed; existing data at build N
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Doing Upgrade...
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade Task description N+1 ...
    [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaXXXUpgradeTask_123] Upgrade Task details ...
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade Task description' succeeded
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to N+1
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Performing Upgrade Task: Upgrade Task description N+x...
    [minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaXXXUpgradeTask_789] Upgrade Task details ...
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade Task: 'Upgrade Task description' succeeded
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Setting current build number on to N+x
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade succeeded! Setting data build number to N+x
    [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] No UpgradeManager for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.yyyy]
    [atlassian.jira.service.ConsistencyCheckerService] Start UpgradeManager [com.minyaa.upgrade.MinyaaZZZZUpgradeManager] for Plugin [jira.plugin.minyaa.zzzz]
    [atlassian.jira.upgrade.AbstractPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade succeeded! Setting data build number to N+x
During this processus, any access to JIRA will be redirected to http://domain/secure/errors.jsp page
When Minyaa Installation is done, the errors.jsp page will display the below message

Minyaa installation completed, you can now restart JIRA

Then, stop and re-start JIRA!
Login and use JIRA with Minyaa.

Using a New Database

Perform a Backup of your previous JIRA installation ... You will have to restore this Backup in the new JIRA installation ...
Perform a fresh installation of JIRA using the appropriate deployment method.

In both cases, you will have to create a new database or drop all tables of your previous database.
  1. In the administration section, go to Restore JIRA data from Backup (Import & Export / Restore Data from XML
  2. Import the your XML Backup.
Login and use JIRA with Minyaa.