Minyaa's License Policies Management


Some features provided by Minyaa are requiring modifications or installation of files in JIRA folder :

  • Some added JSP Files, generaly used for inclusion in existing JIRA''s JSP files (Plugin Scheme, Workflow Global Transition, ...)
  • Some modified JSP Files in order to append some new behaviours (Brose Task Custom Permission, Edit Worklog for team''s members)

Since Minya 2.2, some files are not modified :
  • OFBiz XML files is NO MORE MODIFIED for adding new entities in JIRA Database Model,
  • Velocity properties file is NO MORE MODIFIED for providing new macros for Workload Reports,
When your Trial license expired, you will have to acquire Minyaa or uninstall it.

Until Minyaa 1.6, the uninstallation was automatically launched in background.
Since many users have experienced troubles with a such processus, it have been decided to change the License Policy Management ...

License Check

Minyaa checks periodically your License Key, in order to control :
  • Licenses Type Compatibility following JIRA Licenses compatibilities,
  • License Validity : Are currently concerned only non-perpetual licenses (Trial Licenses),
  • Server Id. : Non-Trial licenses requires your Server Id. to be generate,
  • License Usage : Does the Active User Count respects your purchased License
  • License Build Date to allow or not upgrade to more recent release.

License Policies

Minyaa applies differents policies depending of type of License failure.
License FailuresPolicies
Trial Expiration
  • In the first 5 days after the expiration occured : Each 30 minutes, you are redirected to a message page during 30 seconds,
  • From 5 to 10 days after the expiration occured : Each 10 minutes, you are redirected to a message page during 2 minutes,
  • From 10 to 15 days after the expiration occured : Each 5 minutes, you are redirected to a message page during 2 minutes,
  • From 15 days after the expiration occured : You are always redirected to a message page and have to uninstall Minyaa or register a valid license.
Licenses Commercial used with wrong Server Id
  • You can use Minyaa normaly during 2 hours
  • Each 15 minutes, you are redirected to a message page during 1 minute
You may stop and restart JIRA, and continue for 2 new hours.
Active User Count exceeded
  • As soon as, you exceed the allowed User Limit, each hour, you are redirected to a message page during 30 seconds,
Invalid License Type In case of invalid License Type, Minyaa Uninstallation will be launched.

Check JIRA Licenses compatibilities before to register your License Key.

License Message

Following the License Policies, you are redirected to the JIRA Access Constraints page

Minyaa License Error Message

Here, you will have to :
  • Access to the Minyaa License Page and register a new license key,
  • or stop and restart JIRA (in case of invalid Server Id. for Commercial Licenses)
  • or wait for the mentioned delay.