Minyaa's Installation Procedures
The installation procedure of Minyaa Suite is, in each release, always improved.
Our main goal is to see Minyaa become more and more simple to install. The objective is hard to reach, since Minyaa is not only a plugin providing new features of JIRA,
but it comes also with some alteration in existing JIRA behavior.
Installing Minyaa still requires some changes in JIRA, but all are now done automatically and do not require a restart of JIRA.
Different steps have to be followed depending on the way you deployed your JIRA.
The main installation scenarios are :
- Installation in 5 Steps (Ideal for evaluation).
- Installation with an already deployed WAR JIRA (Tomcat or JIRA Standalone).
- Installation using a self-built WAR file.
- Installation using a XML Backup with Kaamelot Data.
Installation in 5 Steps for your 1st evaluation
Before you install
Minyaa on your existing
JIRA, perform an evaluation using a new JIRA installation !
Follow the
5 Steps Installation procedure !
Installation with an already deployed JIRA (without Kaamelot)
You want to install
Minyaa in an already installed JIRA instance (Standalone installation or Tomcat based installation without Kaamelot),
the follow Steps 2, 3 and 5 of the
5 Steps Installation procedure !
Installation with Import of XML Backup with Kaamelot Data.
You want to install Minyaa with Data issued from a JIRA with existing Kaamelot or Minyaa installed,
then follow the
With Existing Data Installation procedure.