Fibonacci Resolution Validator

What is it?

The problem you need to solve:

Be able to control that the Story Point allocated to a User Story. The Story Point field (a Number Custom Field) has generaly to respect the Finabocci Numbers.

How Minyaa solves this problem:

Minyaa provides a Workflow Validator Function to perform this validation, following some context settings.

How it works

This validator controls if the current issue respects the Fibonacci Numbers for the concerned resolution (if specified) without exceeding a limit.


Edit and View Parameters

It is possible to select :

  • the Custom Field concerned by the validation
  • the maximum value to respect
  • Resolutions for which a Fibonacci Validation is needed,
OnResolutionFibonacciValidator Edit

When specified, the selection of these resolutions will require a Fibonacci Validation.

OnResolutionFibonacciValidator View

XML Declaration

The Validator configuration may be done in XML in Workflow descriptor as follow :

	<validator type="class">
		<arg name="customFieldSelected">customfield_10070</arg>
		<arg name="">com.minyaa.workflow.validator.FibonacciOnResolutionValidator</arg>
		<arg name="fibonacciMaxValue">1</arg>
		<arg name="selectedResolutions">1,2,</arg>