Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version 2.1
[MYAA-479] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to edit Transition details (Name, description)
[MYAA-480] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to Re-attach a Transition to another Destination Step
[MYAA-481] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to Re-attach a Transition to another Orginating Step
[MYAA-490] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to move a Step or Common Transition as Global Transition, or a Common Transition as Global Transition
[MYAA-504] - As User, I want a post-function that restore to the step previous to the transition. (Not a recursive transition, )
[MYAA-630] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to scroll on a list when selecting a workflow
[MYAA-636] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to create Recursive Transition from a Step
[MYAA-637] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to see different arrow for Recursive Transition
[MYAA-639] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to hide/show Recursive Link
[MYAA-650] - As User, I need to be allowed to enter worklog in past, before a closing worklog period
[MYAA-651] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to see Recursive Transition
[MYAA-652] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to qualify a Transition as Recursive
[MYAA-655] - As User in Workflow Designerr, I want be able to save an image of current Workflow
[MYAA-659] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to move a Global Transition as Common Transition
[MYAA-661] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to show/hide Link to Common Transition
[MYAA-702] - As Workflow User, I want be able to identify the workflow Root (before Create Transition)
[MYAA-705] - As Worflow User, I want to validate a Story Point fields (Number) against Fibonacci serie, only if some Resolution Field values are meet.
[MYAA-715] - As User in Workflow Designer, I want be able to see Create and Edit Operation mapped with Create and Transition
[MYAA-716] - As Workflow User, I want to validate that the count of Selected Fix or Affected Version does not exceed a limit
[MYAA-590] - Delay in Days allowing Worklog Update doesn't prevent from inserting a worklog
[MYAA-610] - Application of Patch 21004 for (userpicker.jsp, mutlipickerutil.jsp) cause a disfonction in UserGroupPicker in Create Worklog in case of delegation
[MYAA-625] - Condition, Validator and Post-Function selection Panel is always opened in back of Transition Details Panel, instead of Front
[MYAA-628] - JIRA 4.1 keyboard shortcuts are triggered even when typing into a Minyaa Workflow Designer text field.
[MYAA-631] - Panel of Added Workflow Condition is displayed empty
[MYAA-632] - In Condition, Validators and Post-Function, the Click Event for Submit, Update and Cancel button are not catched by Flex
[MYAA-635] - Add Transiton Action is miss-built for JIRA 3.1..x
[MYAA-645] - For a Draft Workflow, all action done on Draft Workflow, but Workflow Designer displays always Active Workflow
[MYAA-649] - I get a consistent error in my stdout.log file after installation and restart of suite 2.0 trail
[MYAA-662] - Worklog Type View page in admin section is broken with JIRA 4.1.2
[MYAA-685] - Overriden Worklog page ignore Worklog visibility seection when selectin a Group
[MYAA-688] - Time tracking configure with 7.5h per day fails
[MYAA-689] - Date Unit Fraction provided by Minyaa Report is hardcoded on 8 hours per day
[MYAA-690] - Fast work log portlet : increase time spent ++ value always reset to default one
[MYAA-704] - Transition Module descriptor (Condition, Validator, PostFunction) fails due to a mis-passed Workflow Mode
[MYAA-717] - When "0m" value is entered in Worklogger Customfield, a Log Work is performed but an error is raised by WorklogService. Log Work has not to be done in such case.