Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version 2.4
[MYAA-822] - As Administrator, I want to uninstall/upgrade Minyaa more easily
[MYAA-868] - I want be able to Directional Link (Inward or Outward) for Propagate Custom Fields to Linked Issue
[MYAA-735] - I want be able to apply a limit for Fibonnacci Validator
[MYAA-799] - Workflow Designer does not preserve layout for Copy or Draft workflows.
[MYAA-864] - Be able to perform Fibonacci Validation on any number
Support Request and Bug
[MYAA-849] - Error in templates/plugins/portlets/issuesummaryfastworklog.vm
[MYAA-539] - DateReachedCondition is not translated in all provided languages
[MYAA-540] - DateReachedCondition does allow condition only for CustomField. Due date should be available !
[MYAA-617] - Unable to close a ticket if a WorklogCFType field is mandatory on Workflow transition and user has no permission to log work
[MYAA-813] - MissingResourceException : Can't find bundle for base name I18nTimesheetScheme, locale en_US
[MYAA-841] - Worklog Custom Field does to take care about Required/Optional option from FieldConfiguration
[MYAA-844] - The "Statistic On Transtions Report" occurred error wile selected "yes" in "Display Column Filter" option.
[MYAA-848] - Minyaa units not appearing as selected in generated reports
[MYAA-851] - For the "Show Worklog" permission, TimeTracking field should not be to required in any Screen to allow the visibility of Timetracking Summary in View Screen
[MYAA-854] - Delegate Log Work fails with JIRA 4.2
[MYAA-858] - Worklog Type is not updated if I change it and make any other changes to an issue
[MYAA-860] - The navigation Next / Previous in Timesheet Gadget gets wrong actions.