Minyaa Tools provides basis features, which have no direct link with others Minyaa modules, like ...
It may be useful to know what are the more recently modified issues. JIRA provides the Update Date for that,
but all modifications cause its update.
Here, the idea is to identify for which field, a Update date deserve to be modified.
Default Backup Service is useful to export all Issue for Backup !. An more sophisticated Exporter may be implemented ... Try the Issue Export Service and its ExportManagers.
Minyaa Tools provides also an Abstract Import Manager runnable by Jelly Tag.
Implements your ImportManager ...
A quick way to implement a Client-Side validation using RegExp libraries.
The ability to pick a user depending his group's membership .
Minyaa Tools appends also an other set of new Jelly Tags ...
The default Notification Type is configured by the notification-event-types.xml.
Minyaa Tools provides an Extension able to append your Notification Type without modifying the notification-event-types.xml.
You may know what is the Minyaa Tools's RoadMap at ...