
Minyaa Times Edition comes with some REST APIs which allows to access to manage/request LogWork.

Worklog Type Management

Worklog Type Management provides 2 REST APIs, used in order to retrieve Worklog Types in Gadget.


DescriptionRetrieve all Worklog Types
HTTP 200 ReturnAn array of JSON Worklog Types is returned :

	id: "10001",
	name: "Analysis",
	nameTranslation: "Analysis",
	description: "Analysis",
	sequence: 1,
	iconurl: "/download/resources/jira.plugin.minyaa.time:Actions/icons/worklogtypes/wlAnalysis_16.png",
	statusColor: "#3300ff"

idintWorklog Type Id
namestringWorklog Type Name
nameTranslationstringWorklog Type Name internationalized
descriptionstringWorklog Type Description
sequenceintSequence Order
iconurlstringURL of the associated icon.
statusColorstringRGB Code Color


DescriptionRetrieve only allowed Worklog Types (depending on Workflow Settings)
issueIdPathParamintId. of the issue
HTTP 200 ReturnAn array of JSON Worklog Types is returned :

See previous API ...

LogWork Management


DescriptionCreate a Worklog for an Issue in respect of different Custom Minyaa Time Permissions (Delegate Log Work, Wokrlog Closure Period, Required/Allowed Worklgo Type)
issueIdPathParamintId. of the issue
PropertiesOrdinality (Default)ValuesDescriptions
timeSpentMandatorystringSpent time using the JIRA Format 9w 9d 9h 9m
adjustEstimateOptional (auto)stringDefine how is set the Remaining Estimate ...[auto|leave|new|manual]
timeRemainingOptionalstringThe Remaing Estimate to use in case of [new]
startDateOptional (Now)datetimeDate of Log Work occurrence using the format [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ].
authorNameOptional (current User)stringAuthor of Worklog.
worklogTypeIdOptionalstringId of the Worklog Type
commentOptionalstringAssociated comment
commentLevelOptionalstringHow is restricted the Comment visibility [group:groupName] or [role:projectRoleId]

Create a Log Work for Now qualified with Worklog Type identified by 10000

Create a Log Work with :
  • a specified Date
  • another Log Work author (Edit Worklogs for Team Members permission required)
  • a comment restricted to jira-developers group
  • a Remaining Estimate set to 1d
HTTP 200 ReturnOn Worklog creation a JSON bean is returned :



selfstringURL to retrieve the details of this Worklog
worklogIdintId. of the Worklog
timeLoggedxxxLogged time expressed in seconds
authorNamestringLog Work author
startDatedatetimeDate of Log Work
createddatetimeCreation Date of Log Work
updateddatetimeUpdate Date of Log Work
updateAuthorNamestringLog Work updater
worklogTypeIdstringId. of Worklog Type
commentstringAssociated Comment
commentLevelstringGroup Name use to resctrict access to the Worklog (exclusive with projectRoleId)
projectRoleIdintProject Role Id. use to resctrict access to the Worklog (exclusive with commentLevel)
HTTP 404 ReturnIn case of Validation error, the Error Collection is returned.

[{"errorMessages":["Any Error Message"],"errors":{}}]


To be described


To be described


To be described

Timesheet Management


To be described


To be described


To be described


To be described


To be described


To be described


To be described