For previous release see Upgrade to Minyaa 3.3.x
This release provides different Upgrade Tasks.
For JIRA 6.3.x, the sources distribution did not contained the source of embbeded JIRA Plugins.
see JRA-40090
It causes that the patches classically provided with Minyaa are not available for this release.
Impacts are the following :
<JiraJelly xmlns:minyaa="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.MinyaaTagLib"> <minyaa:Upgrade upgradeClass="com.minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_006"/> </JiraJelly>
<JiraJelly xmlns:minyaa="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.MinyaaTagLib"> <minyaa:Upgrade upgradeClass="com.minyaa.upgrade.tasks.MinyaaCoreUpgradeTask_007"/> </JiraJelly>