Installation using Maven 2
Installation using Build Kit is available since Kaamelot
The concept is described in Kaamelot JIRA Build Kit page.
You will have to :
- solve all below requirements,
- prepare your own build Kit (pom.xml),
- and finally, build your distribution.
To use this procedure, you will need to have :
- Maven 2.0.7 or more installed
- Some Maven Repositories
- At least a Local one
- In case of Remote Repository, then you have to declare it in Maven Settings (UserHome/.m2/settings.xml)
- yourRepositoryId : an Identification key
- yourRepositoryURL : an valid URL using one of supported protocol (FTP, SCP, ... )
- A downloaded release of JIRA from into your downloadDir,
- installed on Maven Local Repository.
mvn install:install-file
- and/or deployed on Maven Remote Repository
mvn deploy:deploy-file
Prepare your Build Kit
Follow the procedure described in
Kaamelot JIRA Build Kit.
Or, donwload one of the proposed
Kaamelot Build Kits ...
Build your distribution
Into a sub-folder named
properties where is located the your Build Kit,
you may define different
Build Type. Provided Kaamelot Build Kit have a predefined build Type based on Tomcat / MySQL.
From the folder where is located the your Build Kit (your own or the downloaded one), proceed to its packaging, passing the Build Type to use.
mvn package
mvn package -DbuildType=tomcat.mysql
The built artifact is the final EAR to deploy on you server.