Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version 1.3


  • [MYAA-121] - As an administrator, I want to run Minyaa on Jira 4.0
  • [MYAA-286] - As an administrator, I want to store the extended configuration in a place other than the customfield default value (user group picker's , RegExp)
  • [MYAA-308] - As JIRA Administrator, I want to use ExtendedPermissionValidator as validator in Edit Transition
  • [MYAA-313] - As JIRA Administrator, I want see Sub-Task controlled by Workflow like Issue during the Validation
  • [MYAA-350] - As JIRA Administrator, I want to see RegExp Validation done by CustomField and not by a Worklflow Validator
  • [MYAA-352] - As JIRA Administrator, I want to see Minyaa supports User Limit and STARTER Licenses


  • [MYAA-290] - Cancel on Color Picker for Worklog type set Color to null in WorklogType edit screen, and then an update lost the initial color
  • [MYAA-307] - Template for ReporterCondtion is misnamed
  • [MYAA-309] - When registering an invalid license, a stacktrace is logged
  • [MYAA-310] - Before installation, the Settings page is available.
  • [MYAA-311] - All AInheritFromParentFunction go in NPE when applied on Non SubTask Issue
  • [MYAA-314] - VM Template for AddLinkScheme has a right alignment instead of a left one
  • [MYAA-316] - When edit Global Transition is implemented, raised Event is no more Update but Generic.
  • [MYAA-318] - Portlets having dynamic content are not rezised when content changes
  • [MYAA-334] - Translation error in the fastworklog portlet when entering an invalid issue key
  • [MYAA-335] - Users without Edit Permission have access to the Time Spent tab panel
  • [MYAA-337] - In fastworkflog portlet based on filter, clicking the filter name link redirects to an unexisting page.
  • [MYAA-338] - In the logwork page, the calendar doesnt appear when clicking its button.
  • [MYAA-339] - Parameter "Delay in Days allowing Worklog Update" is not controlled in default LogWork page
  • [MYAA-340] - In the worker custom field, clicking on the user name redirects to the issue navigator but no issue is shown
  • [MYAA-341] - In fast worklog portlet based on worklogs, issue is not added when pressing enter key.
  • [MYAA-343] - In the fastworklog portlet based on worklogs, after a refresh, issues are not sorted according to the portlet configuration
  • [MYAA-345] - In the fastworkflog portlets, Worklog History is not respected for durations below 1 day
  • [MYAA-346] - In the worklogtype edition screen, when choosing a color, the page is not refreshed to show the selected color.
  • [MYAA-348] - Css Pages are not loaded for time reports
  • [MYAA-358] - Field Author in Log Work Page display an JS Array Value instead of a Value
  • [MYAA-359] - When ExtendedDeleteIssueOperation is instanciated, the default DeleteIssueOperation is systematically disable. The Plugin cache is reset systematically too
  • [MYAA-364] - In the edit screen, if a UserGroupPickerCFType is configured with no groups, a NullPointerException is thrown when trying to update an issue.