Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version 1.8


  • [MYAA-141] - As a user, I want be able to log time for some work done just at the Issue Creation step.
  • [MYAA-291] - As User, I want see the Estimate disable or enabled depending on selected Adjust Radio Button
  • [MYAA-361] - As JIRA Administrator, I want to see "Worklog Updatable On delay" managed as a Custom Permission
  • [MYAA-401] - As a user, I want to be able to reestimate the time remaining on an issue when I log work from a workflow transition screen


  • [MYAA-183] - Stacktrace when importing a public dashboard that contains a a fastworklog portlet based on a private filter
  • [MYAA-430] - "new" radio button is not automatically selected when time is modified by supressing caracter in the estimate field
  • [MYAA-577] - Enhancement provide by MYAA-503 for Transition Report is inefficient under JIRA 4.0.x