Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version 3.3.10


  • [MYAA-1318] - MinyaaTime global-static.css - Portlet for Fast Work Log problem
  • [MYAA-1320] - Worklog displayed in FastWorklog Gadgets differ between IE and other Browsers
  • [MYAA-1322] - With IE9, Button Add/Update of in DialogBox of FastWorklog may be renderered in very small size


  • [MYAA-1316] - Worklog Type ediiton needs to allow to clear the "Assumed as default for" field. (Bis)
  • [MYAA-1323] - "No-Cache" directive has to be generalize on REST API of Minyaa
  • [MYAA-1324] - Modification of Issue Filtering depending on selection of Filter in a Link Scheme item