[MYAA-1366] - In Workload Reports, I want to see Worklog of Sub-Task aggregated on "Parent Issue" node.
[MYAA-1367] - In Workload Report by Issue Type, I want to see Worklogs of Sub-Tasks aggregated to Issue Type of Parent Issue, when Sub-Task is not an Aggreation criteria
[MYAA-1376] - I need to see supported the Textarea in Settings Management
[MYAA-1378] - In order to avoid all regression related support of different IE, the button is replace in PopUp in Worklog Gadget by a link.
[MYAA-1389] - Support of Workflow Validation / Post-Function during Quick Edit
[MYAA-1390] - As Administrator, I want to restrict or extend default Report Type of Minyaa Worklog Reports