Release Notes - JIRA Minyaa Suite Plugins - Version 3.4


  • [MYAA-1430] - Minyaa compatibility with JIRA 6.3
  • [MYAA-1452] - Minyaa compatibility with JIRA 6.3.1
  • [MYAA-1453] - Minyaa compatibility with JIRA 6.3.3
  • [MYAA-1455] - Minyaa compatibility with JIRA 6.3.4 to 6.3.5


  • [MYAA-1433] - Migrate Permision extension
  • [MYAA-1434] - The "User Picker by Permissions" configuration is now using the FieldConfigItemType, and support ALL/ANY operator
  • [MYAA-1435] - The "Reg Exp" Customfield configuration is now using the FieldConfigItemType
  • [MYAA-1436] - The "User Picker by Workflow Step" configuration is now using the FieldConfigItemType
  • [MYAA-1441] - Propagate Fields Post-Function is broken due to a immutable collection returned by IssueLinkManager
  • [MYAA-1444] - Auto-Transition Post-Function is broken due to a immutable collection returned by IssueLinkManager
  • [MYAA-1450] - The BlockingOnLinkedIssuesStatus Condition is broken due to a immutable collection returned by IssueLinkManager


  • [MYAA-1439] - Workflow Condition Factory of Regular Expression is broken due to HTMLEncoding of JIRA VM Macro "selectMapSelected"
  • [MYAA-1443] - Workflow Sub-Task Transition : Evaluation of Condition of Subtask Action may fail due to inconsistency in passed context
  • [MYAA-1448] - When a transition is executed by the Auto-Transition, Some Condtion or Validator may fails in NPE
  • [MYAA-1449] - Field Configuration for Timesheet is created with inconsistency due to change since JIRA 6.x
  • [MYAA-1465] - In Settings Edition, during the validation, an Invalid Input causes a cancelled execution without message error


  • [MYAA-245] - REST API for logging Work with Worklog Type


  • [MYAA-1429] - The "Time Spent" Issue Tab fails due to the Ajax refresh implemented since JIRA 6.1.x
  • [MYAA-1440] - Workflow Conditon on Regular Expression now support also System Text Field
  • [MYAA-1442] - In Propagate Fields Post-Function configuration, the Recursive and Fire event are exclusive
  • [MYAA-1445] - The Post-Function "Transition Flagged Transitions" should support Auto-Transition Meta Arguments
  • [MYAA-1446] - User Picker by Permission supports Global Permissions
  • [MYAA-1451] - Sub-Task Transition and Flagged Issue Transition post-function allows to customize the Auto-Transition Comment